How can we create a project surrounding deforestation with a ‘positive’ message?
So far we have considered concepts that strictly focus upon the negatives of deforestation and how bad this global issue is. But we are considering now to create something that not only educates the viewers with fast facts that hopefully impact them, but a concept that also highlights how we can encourage the user to understand that the alarming rate of global deforestation can be slowed down (at least) by using less paper or wood products.
We have started brain-dumping doable ideas that also is fairly cost-efficient with the resources.
• Concept idea: Re-usable book, made from cotton paper, formulated from old jeans
A re-usable book made from material and fibres other than paper produced of wood. We essentially would find old pairs of jeans, relatively local or easy to get, like from Salvation Army or just ask people for old jeans and compress the cotton.
There are many other environmentally-friendly and ethical alternatives to paper production aside from using wood. Some include:
• Cotton🧵 • Tobacco🚬 • Banana🍌 • Bamboo🎋 • Elephant excrement🐘💩
Rather than using our work to display the negatives of deforestation, we ideally would make a project that can be a lense into the bigger picture. A scrapbook made from old jeans to display reusing of paper/wood products or just staying away from it encourages users to reuse paper and not waste it.
Answering the question i think it is more of a hopeful message than a positive since deforestation is continuing to happen at an alarming rate.