So for the past week, we have basically been generating new concepts for our project. We’ve scrapped the previous ideas. Nothing really was finalised. After a group discussion, we have leaned toward this new idea that was suggested by Patrick. How can we encourage people to recycle and be genuinely environmentally friendly? Perhaps including an incentive or reward in some form.
Initially, we thought of creating a gumball machine and using an arduino with a motion sensor so that when somebody chucks something into the bin, a gumball is dispensed. Charles also made a good point that some people may not like gumballs, or candy for that matter.
We made this survey using SurveyMonkey to figure out what people would prefer if they’d want to be rewarded for recycling. Money, food, stationery, commercial goods or anything specific. It is just a general survey for as many people to answer as possible - we don’t have a target audience because everybody should recycle, but it is noted that the majority of the users/testers would be students.
Based on the survey results, most people, so far, voted for money as an incentive. Here are the results from over the weekend conducted from Aug 8-11th